Love Stories
Christian and I grew up together in our hometown of Wollongong. We went through school together and were friends from the age of 16. Life took us in different directions for a while, until we reconnected at a mutual friend's party when we were 22. Sparks were ignited instantly and the rest was history.
Love Stories
We created an amazing outdoor space under festoons for our reception and the rest of the celebrations to take place. With a ‘build your own burger bar’, a hay bale booth Giant Jenga, the most energetic dancefloor with our nearest and dearest, we created the wedding of our dreams and had the best time of our lives.
Love Stories
My best friend and I started the day with a sunrise walk around the Longview property before coming back to start hair and makeup. The ceremony was at Longview in a grassed area, overlooking the vineyards. I walked down the aisle being serenaded by one of our dearest friends. The ceremony had to be my favourite part of the day and I will never forget the feeling of marrying my best friend with all my loved ones there to witness it!
Love Stories
He got on one knee saying "Will you marry me?" to which I replied, "Obviously!" and cried.
Love Stories
We were originally going to have a big wedding in France, but due to COVID-19, we ended up having a smaller and more intimate affair in a garden setting, surrounded by wildflowers and trees. Our wedding day was stormy and rainy but I wouldn't have changed a thing as it truly was the best day of my life.
Love Stories
With the world so uncertain, our original plan of a destination wedding in Greece became out of the question. However, with all of my family home from overseas and our wedding priorities adjusted, we put together new wedding plans within a month. It was ambitious, crazy, fun, and exhausting, but so worth it! After all, the most important thing, we decided, was the union of us.
The team at Chérie By Oui have put our heads together and come up with the best tips for you to keep calm and be as wonderfully you as possible in the lead up to your special day.
Chérie babes are incurable romantics with a penchant for art and travel. She takes you to a world of her own creation and embraces life's journey through passionate adventure. Being of Japanese-British heritage, fellow Aussie Georgia Risa @georgiarisa took us to dazzling Tokyo where the old and the new collide in perfect harmony.
Welcome to our debut collection. Embracing the spirit of the Chérie By Oui woman, Lovers' Sojourn is a collection of glamorous yet undeniably chic gowns with a focus on impeccable fit and workmanship. We invite you on a journey to discover luxury bridal beyond your expectations. Say oui with Chérie By Oui.